Tag - sukkur

The Kunda connection: A safety hazard in Pakistan that is dire

In Pakistan, using the Kunda connection (electricity theft) is typical without any precautions and fear of punishment. Due to a lack of awareness in houses, to save on electricity bills, most residents tend to perform such illegal activities, despite being hazardous.  According to Tribune, 1,389,184 cases of Kunda were reported, out of which Sukkur (SEPCO) was on top...

Larkana: Repairman of power company electrocuted; expires due to critical injuries.

This could have been avoided. An unfortunate incident occurred when an employee of Sukkur Electric Power Company (SEPCO) was electrocuted during maintenance work on power lines at Miro Khan. Nazar Muhammad Tuinio, was critically injured after the incident and was rushed to Chandka Medical College, Larkana before submitting to his injuries. The practice of safety begins...