Electrical Safety Tips for Kids

Electrical Safety Tips for Kids

If you are worried about your kids playing safely around anything electric in your home or neighbourhood, you can go over the following electrical safety tips with your kids:

  1. Don’t plug in a bunch of stuff into one outlet or extension cord–doing so could damage the electrical system or even cause a fire in your home.
  2. Make sure to tuck away all electrical cords as neat and tidy as you can–this will stop your pets from chewing on the cords, and from people tripping.
  3. Do not ever climb a fence near an electrical substation–if a ball or pet gets inside the fence, ask an adult to call the electric company.
  4. Do not yank an electrical cord from the wall–pulling on a cord could cause damage to the appliance, the plug, or the outlet.
  5. Make sure to fly your kite away from power lines and substations– you might get electrocuted.
  6. Always ask a grown up for help when you need to use something that uses electricity.
  7. Always look up and look out for power lines when you climb a tree–the electricity can go right through the branch and right through you.
  8. Remind your parents to watch out for power lines when they are using a ladder, chainsaw, or other outdoor equipment.
  9. Keep electrical stuff far away from water.
  10. Keep metal objects out of toasters.
  11. Never climb on power poles.

For those of you with little ones running around the house, you know how difficult it can be to try to keep an eye on them at all times. Sometimes they can put themselves in the most peculiar situations that you just can’t control.



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